
Can Money Buy Happiness Essay

Money Can't Buy Happiness Essay: The proverb "Money Can't Buy Happiness" states that coin can purchase all the materialistic things like cars, houses, and also you tin live a luxurious life also simply having all the materialistic things surely will not give happiness. Coin tin be used to buy anything in the world but there is no shop where yous can walk and buy happiness then they say coin can't buy happiness.

When it comes to the question of whether coin tin buy happiness or not the answer here is that money is simply a tool to buy things that give united states luxury which in turn will requite us happiness. Only it doesn't necessarily increase our happiness. Buying more and more than luxurious things won't really bring you more joy. More than money isn't going to improve your mindset, nor will it bring peace to mind. In other words, you lot can say that more than money tin't purchase happiness. There are many aspects which money can't give.

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Suppose you think a new 24" LED TV will bring y'all happiness simply after having the same 24" LED you run across a ameliorate option and it makes you feel sad. You want to have better than this. Information technology is not actually the tv that gives you happiness, it is the human nature of having more. A human being existence is one who is never satisfied. Happiness is actually the state of mind which cannot be achieved by materialistic things. There are many reasons which prove that coin can't buy happiness.

Buying stuff won't make u.s.a. happy, because we tend to compare it with others. Comparisons are ridiculous and quite ofttimes harmful to united states.

What is Happiness?

Is it a big motorcar, a luxurious business firm, or a large-screen LED Television receiver?  Buying any new stuff feels great at outset.  But gradually months and years later, the excitement decreases. The brilliant, shiny, newness will somewhen go down and you'll want a new one or more.

Happiness is a feeling. Feeling that money can't purchase. If someone asks are you happy, what will you reply?.

Happiness means satisfaction. Be satisfied with what you take in your life.  Not to require on the things that you don't take.

Reasons Why Money Can't Purchase Happiness

There are some very good reasons why having more than money doesn't necessarily make a person happier. It tin can actually turn the opposite. Many wealthy people, for example, are actually under stress.

Here we mention few reasons why money tin't purchase happiness

More Stuff More Work

Many think that if you go more luxurious stuff our life would exist happier but that isn't true. The more the stuff, the more work it takes to take intendance of it. Solar day by day everything has become larger. Today people want larger houses to live in but keeping it clean and maintained is again a claiming. It takes more time and attempt to keep your mansions swell and tidy.

More Stuff Less Complimentary Fourth dimension

As you own more than stuff, you will get less free time because you'll be spending fourth dimension in the maintenance of the things you bought. Time is very important for everyone, but much of our gratuitous time is spent doing house chores and taking care of our stuff. You tin can use the money to hire maids but that is not possible in every state of affairs.

More Stuff More Expenses

The more stuff you lot own, the more money you will have to spend to maintain it.

For example, bigger houses need more repairs than smaller ones. Unfortunately, repairs are a necessary function and tin can exist expensive.

The more stuff you own, the more than work and coin is spent to maintain it. Having less stuff tin can free upwardly some of your time to practise things you enjoy. So money cannot always bring you happiness.

Materialistic things requite Temporary Satisfaction

Money can buy temporary happiness. Everyone experiences themselves on cloud nine when they've bought something they've been desiring. These feelings of happiness are usually temporary. This happiness soon fades away and that new thing is no longer interesting.

Scientists have proved that we get more happiness from our experiences simply non from materialistic things. And too they don't price much.

Time spent with your loved ones will requite you more happiness than ownership a costly item that you lot were eyeing for a long time.

Money Tin't Buy Family, Friends and Love

Family unit, friends and your loved ones are the people who will make you lot special. They are the people whose environment volition brand you happy. And definitely, money cannot purchase these relationships.

When people are dying and taking their concluding breath they don't want to run across the things they ain or the achievements of their life. All they want to run into are their loved ones.

It'south their relationships that really affair but non stuff.

True love doesn't care whether your loved one is rich or poor. That person volition value yous for who you are and not money.

Money Can't Buy Happiness

Money Can't Give Yous Peace of Mind

A person can live without a big house, he can survive without driving a car simply cannot alive with a stressful mind. True happiness has nothing to do with the banking concern balance. More money besides sometimes steals away the peace of mind because of insecurity.


Irresolute our outlook for money is the first step in achieving true happiness, the kind of happiness that comes from beingness satisfied with what you have.

In conclusion, once you have your bones needs like nutrient, water, shelter, clothing and the feeling of safety, then money tin can't purchase happiness.

Information technology'due south up to you to build meaningful relationships, enjoy the footling things in life, and start spending your money on experiences and other people rather than materialistic things.

Can Money Buy Happiness Essay,


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