
How To Report A Stolen Gun In Georgia

As role of my piece of work with U.S. Constabulary Shield, a legal defense programme for gun owners, I film informational videos about Georgia police (feels like A LOT of them: go to Youtube and look up "U.S. Law Shield Georgia" and you'll find over 30 videos on Georgia gun constabulary). I recently recorded a video on lost and stolen firearms: the script content is helpful, so I thought I'd share that today. Take a expect, and experience gratuitous to telephone call the part (678.842.4331) or email ( if y'all have any questions . . . .

So let's talk well-nigh lost and stolen firearms. Is at that place a distinction in Georgia between a gun that has been "stolen" versus 1 that is "lost"? What should a gun possessor do in the event of either of these unfortunate occurrences happening to recover a firearm or – more importantly – preclude damage to their ability to carry a license and their identity as a gun owner?

Georgia law does not distinguish between a lost and stolen firearm, because Georgia law does non specifically address either. You have no duty in Georgia to report a lost or stolen firearm: at that place is no duty at all to let anyone know your firearm is missing. There is also no constabulary or requirement in Georgia that yous register a firearm (unless of course information technology's an particular covered under the National Firearms Act): think, O.C.G.A. §38-3-37 (that's the Official Code of Georgia, our collection of state police) specifically prohibits not but the seizing of firearms or ammunition by any state authorities in a fourth dimension of emergency, information technology also prohibits whatsoever requirements in the state for registration of firearms.

If there is no duty to report a lost or stolen firearm, and firearms aren't registered, it's entirely possible no one will e'er know your firearm has been lost or stolen, unless you lot say something (and make no error, I do believe it's important to study a firearm lost or stolen). If your firearm has been lost or stolen, report it to your local police enforcement agency. Give them the make, model, caliber, and any identifying characteristics, the most of important of which is the serial number. Keep a list of the series numbers for all your firearms. Because it's your firearm and you are the merely one to accept set up admission to that series number, be sure you go on rails of that number if you detect your firearm lost or stolen. Yous will want to written report that to police force.

Should you have a firearm stolen, or lose 1, and you lot do non have the serial number, the ATF recommends you contact the firearms dealer you purchased the weapon from to help you in obtaining the series number, if you purchased from a Federal Firearms Licensee (gun shop or licensed dealer). If the dealer is no longer in concern, local constabulary enforcement may be able to submit a request to the National Tracing Center: this is called a "records search request" and tin can usually only be fabricated in connection with an ongoing criminal investigation surrounding the lost or stolen firearm.

At present, could either scenario (lost or stolen firearm) impact a gun owner legally?

Aye, either certainly could, especially in the case of a lost firearm, and especially if you are accused of recklessness or negligence in losing that firearm or not maintaining proper command over it. Simply as with other reckless acts we accept discussed, like firing warning shots, any human activity considered reckless (meaning a conscious condone for the safety of others) could consequence in a accuse of reckless comport. Consider: you enter a public restroom and remove your firearm from your waistband comport, placing information technology on a tissue dispenser or sink. In the rush to go out, yous could just forget your firearm. If that firearm is recovered by a child, or through a set of unfortunate circumstances results in injury, it may not be probable – just it is still possible – you could be charged with a crime. Non merely that, if someone is injured by your loss of a firearm, yous could exist sued in a civil case under diverse theories of what is called negligence.

Your level of criminal liability could be different with a stolen firearm: through no error of your ain, if your firearm is stolen the acts of the thief could cut your liability if that firearm is then later used in a crime or someone is injured with it. In either case, the best response to discovering your firearm has been lost or stolen is to contact police and make a report. Make sure y'all are able to give law enforcement the serial number of the firearm, as well equally the make, model, caliber, and any distinguishing characteristics of the firearm. This tin can requite you peace of mind AND help in the successful recovery of your firearm.


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