How To Fix A Broken Nose After Years Without Surgery
A cleaved nose commonly heals on its own within 3 weeks. Get medical help if it's not getting improve or your olfactory organ has changed shape.
Check if it's a broken nose
Symptoms of a broken nose may include:
- pain, swelling and redness
- a crunching or crackling audio when yous bear upon your nose
- difficulty breathing through your nose – information technology might feel blocked
- your nose changing shape – for example, it'south not as direct equally before
You may also have:

How to treat a cleaved nose yourself
You lot tin usually treat a cleaved olfactory organ yourself. It should get-go getting better within 3 days and exist fully healed within 3 weeks.
concord an ice pack (or bag of frozen peas) wrapped in a tea towel on your nose for up to fifteen minutes, several times a solar day
take paracetamol to relieve pain
care for nosebleeds past sitting or continuing upright and leaning forward – if possible, pinch your nose higher up the nostrils for upwards to 15 minutes
go on your head upright when lying in bed by calculation more pillows – this volition help to reduce swelling
read how to treat minor cuts and grazes – if yous have a small cut on your nose
exercise not endeavor to straighten your olfactory organ yourself if information technology's changed shape – go to a modest injuries unit or see a GP instead
do not wear spectacles until the swelling has gone down, unless you need them
practice not pick or accident your nose until information technology'due south healed
exercise not practise strenuous practise for the showtime 2 weeks
practice not play sports for at least 6 weeks if there's a chance your face might be hit
Non-urgent advice: Go to a minor injuries unit or run across a GP if:
- your nose is crooked (not direct) after the injury
- the swelling has not started to go down afterwards 3 days
- painkillers are not helping
- you're still finding information technology difficult to breathe through your nose after the swelling has gone
- you're having regular nosebleeds
- you have a very high temperature (or you experience hot and shivery)
Find a minor injuries unit
Firsthand action required: Call 999 or get to A&E if you have a broken nose and:
- a nosebleed that will not stop
- a large cut or open wound on your olfactory organ or confront, or something in the wound, such as glass
- clear, watery fluid trickling from your nose – this could be a sign of a serious caput injury
- a severe headache with blurred or double vision
- center pain and double vision
- neck pain or a stiff neck with numbness or tingling in your arms
- a purple swelling inside your olfactory organ – information technology may be painful or cake your breathing
- other symptoms of a astringent caput injury – such as collapsing (passing out) or difficulty speaking
Treatment from a GP
A GP might prescribe stronger painkillers if paracetamol is not helping.
If yous have a severe broken nose or information technology's changed shape, you may be referred to a specialist in hospital for assessment and treatment.
Treating a severe cleaved nose in hospital
If your olfactory organ has changed shape
A dr. in hospital may exist able to make your nose straighter using a procedure called manipulation.
You lot might accept to go home and wait a few days for the swelling to go downwardly first, but the procedure should be washed inside fourteen days of yous breaking your nose.
Manipulation is washed using anaesthetic and so that you're asleep or your nose is numbed. Information technology does not ever make your nose await exactly the same as it was before, but information technology often helps.
If you have a large wound
The wound will ordinarily be cleaned and sealed with stitches or strips in hospital.
If your olfactory organ will not cease bleeding
A medico may identify a soft gauze pad in your olfactory organ. The pad will exist removed by the doc a few days after.
Page last reviewed: xvi November 2020
Side by side review due: xvi November 2023
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